Don't feel like asking someone for feedback? Ask VizCritique Pro instead!

Don't feel like asking someone for feedback? Ask VizCritique Pro instead!
Learning from others
February 26, 2024

As Tableau Ambassadors, we are at the the helm of growing the community in a positive environment where everyone learns through kindness and respect. That's not something new to our specific industry however, but something we need to do as human beings - being kind to one another. But in order for us to grow our data visualization craft (both on a individual level and your team), it is important to master the art of getting and giving feedback. But the key takeaway is to approach feedback with the intention to help the other person grow and what can be done better, without disregarding their work.


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I would argue that getting feedback from different people offers a lot more depth as everyone has different experiences and expertise that could open up your eyes to new innovative ways. But getting the courage to ask for feedback and being objective, can take a while I get that. Which is where Adam Mico's VizCritique Pro GPT comes into play. To be honest, I was a little skeptical of how it would capture context and artistic choices, but when I started to put in my vizzes one by one.. I realize how freaking awesome this tool is! I can't say it did capture 100% of what my thought processes were when building the vizzes, or the additional effort I made to ensure the tooltips are covering up the gap... but it is definitely a high 80-90% effective! Let's check out more details below and by that, I'm opening myself on the operating table for y'all to enjoy at my misery 🀣


Descendants of the Dragon

A recent piece I did to celebrate the Lunar New Year over in Asia, which looks at Chinese diaspora globally. It went on to be awarded a #VizofTheDay which I'm absolutely thrilled about.. but let's see what GPT says.

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πŸ€–VizCritique Pro says πŸ’¬

This infographic titled "Descendants of the Dragon" aims to portray the cultural influence of Chinese heritage around the world, specifically focusing on the dispersion of people with Chinese origins.

Audience Adaptation Score: 9.0/10

This visualization is tailored to an audience interested in cultural studies, diaspora, or demographics. It effectively uses visual elements that are culturally relevant and informative.

‍Message Alignment Score: 9.0/10

The infographic aligns well with its intended message, showing the impact of Chinese culture worldwide through the dispersion of its people. It also provides context about the cultural significance of the dragon and the color red in Chinese culture.

‍Optimal Chart Usage Score: 7.5/10

The flow map is a fitting choice to represent migration patterns, as it visually depicts the movement from a common origin to various destinations. The choice of color intensity to possibly represent the volume of people could be more clearly explained.

‍Strategic Layout and Storytelling Score: 8.5/10

The layout starts with a cultural context before transitioning into the migration patterns. The narrative ties in historical and cultural symbolism to the data presented, which is a powerful storytelling technique.

Effective Color Schemes Score: 9.0/10

The color scheme is culturally appropriate, with red symbolizing both China and the concept of dispelling negativity. The use of red and grey tones maintains a clear visual hierarchy and symbolism.

Textual Elements Score: 8.0/10

The titles and explanatory text are informative and enhance the understanding of the visualization. However, the font size for the sources and some descriptive texts could be larger for better readability.

Font Readability Score: 8.0/10

While the main headings are clear and readable, the smaller text, especially the data sources, could be difficult to read and may benefit from a larger font size.

Accessibility Score: 7.5/10

The main visual elements are accessible, but the infographic could benefit from a higher contrast between the text and the background. Additionally, interactive features such as tooltips on hover could make the data more accessible.

Final Score: 8.4/10

Visual Viz-ionary | A visually appealing and informative representation of the Chinese diaspora


  • Clarify the representation of data on the flow map, possibly by adding a legend or clearer annotations to indicate the meaning of the color intensity and line thickness.
  • Increase the font size for the descriptive texts and data sources to enhance readability.
  • Consider adding interactive elements that allow users to engage with the data more deeply, such as clicking on a country to see more specific information about the Chinese diaspora in that location.

My thoughts

Sankey diagrams aren't necessary the best way to visualize this and it was more of an artistic tribute to Christian Felix's The Air We Breathe 🀣 But it's really awesome that the tool has picked up the thematic approaches and the context behind the whole viz. The idea about using color intensity to represent volume is pretty good, seeing how it may add another layer of visual cue leading to the treemap below.



10 Most Powerful Marvel Superheroes

A viz I built for the #GamesNightViz +Β #Datafamcon collab, which is just a minimalistic small multiple scorecard that rates each of the superheroes based on their overall rating.


πŸ€–VizCritique Pro says πŸ’¬

This visualization presents the "10 Most Powerful Marvel Superheroes," using a bar chart format to rate various attributes of each character.

Audience Adaptation Score: 9.0/10

The visualization is tailored for an audience interested in Marvel superheroes, specifically those curious about the relative powers of these characters. It uses familiar icons and language from the superhero genre.

Message Alignment Score: 8.5/10

The infographic aligns well with its purpose to rank the top 10 most powerful Marvel superheroes based on different power attributes. The message is clear and the visualization supports it effectively.

Optimal Chart Usage Score: 7.5/10

The bar charts for each superhero power attribute are suitable for comparing individual strengths. However, the uniformity of 100-point scales across different powers may not accurately reflect the nuances of each character's abilities.

Strategic Layout and Storytelling Score: 8.0/10

The layout presents the characters side by side, allowing for easy comparison. The storytelling could be enhanced by providing additional context or narrative about how these power rankings were determined.

Effective Color Schemes Score: 8.0/10

The use of yellow and black is striking and maintains a consistent theme, which is visually appealing. However, there might be a missed opportunity to use color coding to differentiate between types of powers or characters.

Textual Elements Score: 8.5/10

Text elements like character names and the introduction are clear. Icons are used instead of text to represent different powers, which is effective but assumes the audience can interpret these icons without text labels.

Font Readability Score: 9.0/10

The font is large and legible, fitting well with the overall design. It makes the information easy to read and understand.

Accessibility Score: 7.5/10

The visual design is simple and accessible, but the reliance on color contrast may be difficult for those with visual impairments. Additionally, the use of icons without text labels may not be accessible to all users, especially if they are not familiar with the symbols.

Final Score: 8.1/10

Visual Viz-ionary | A visually engaging and informative graphic for Marvel superhero enthusiasts


  • Provide a legend or labels for the icons used to represent different powers to ensure clarity for all audience members.
  • Consider utilizing color coding to distinguish between different types of powers or to represent different levels of strength.
  • Include interactive elements that could allow users to hover over or click on each power for a detailed explanation or score justification.

My thoughts

I really like the feedback on this as it's giving me more ideas like how do i depict the nuances of each characters' different types of abilities. And definitely, I should have added a legend for those icons, shame on me :P




A fitness journey I did early this year as a personal look back on the lessons I have learnt to get to where I am, and what I must do moving forward. Oh.. and I'm not having a third kid :P


πŸ€–VizCritique Pro says πŸ’¬

The infographic presented is a personal narrative that illustrates an individual's health journey, highlighting the transition from an inconsistent fitness regimen to a more balanced lifestyle approach.

Audience Adaptation Score: 9.0/10

The infographic is well-suited for a general audience interested in personal health and fitness journeys. It uses relatable language and personal storytelling to engage viewers.

Message Alignment Score: 9.0/10

The visualization aligns with the message of a personal health transformation, using a line graph to showcase weight changes and bar graphs for activity tracking data, which effectively communicates the narrative of progress.

Optimal Chart Usage Score: 8.0/10

The line graph for weight over time is appropriate for showing trends, and the bar graphs effectively present yearly comparisons of activity data. However, the lack of consistent scale across years in the bar graphs could mislead comparisons at a glance.

Strategic Layout and Storytelling Score: 9.0/10

The layout of the infographic tells a compelling story of the individual's health journey, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. The progression of data visualization supports the narrative effectively.

Effective Color Schemes Score: 8.5/10

The color scheme is consistent and engaging, with colors chosen to highlight specific aspects of the journey. The colors also appear to be accessible for those with color vision deficiencies.

Textual Elements Score: 9.0/10

The text is clear, well-written, and integrates seamlessly with the visuals. It provides a personal touch that adds depth to the data presented.

Font Readability Score: 8.5/10

The font is legible across the infographic, with good contrast against the background. However, some of the text within the bar graphs is small and could be challenging to read.

Accessibility Score: 8.0/10

The infographic is accessible in its storytelling approach, but some of the finer details in the bar graphs could be improved for readability, particularly for users with visual impairments.

Final Score: 8.6/10

Visual Viz-ionary | A personalized and engaging visualization of a fitness journey


  • Ensure consistency in the scale of bar graphs to facilitate accurate year-over-year comparisons.
  • Increase the font size in the graphs to improve readability for all users.
  • Consider adding interactive elements, such as hover-over details, for users to explore the data more deeply

My thoughts

I scored really good on messaging, storytelling and using text elements to guide my users and make it relatable. Which was really what I was going for! Similarly to the previous piece, the recommendation pointed out interactivity and creating good tooltips (whichΒ I had already) so just keep a note on that.



It was NEVERΒ about the Dragons

This was my Top 15 #IronViz qualifier back in 2023, and still is one of my favorite vizzes because it tells the story from my wife's perspective (who is a huge fan of the game) rather than me.


πŸ€–VizCritique Pro says πŸ’¬

The infographic you've provided is a creative representation of a video game's journey, incorporating fantasy elements, data visualizations, and narrative storytelling to highlight the game's success and influences.

Audience Adaptation Score: 9.0/10

The infographic is clearly targeted at fans of fantasy games, specifically those interested in the "Dragons" game. The thematic presentation is well-tailored to engage an audience familiar with gaming culture and fantasy lore.

Message Alignment Score: 9.0/10

The visualization effectively communicates the game's inspiration from classic fantasy stories, its success relative to its predecessors, and the reception and awards it has garnered, aligning well with the narrative of the game's impact and legacy.

Optimal Chart Usage Score: 8.0/10

The bar graphs and radar charts are used to display sales data and game features comparisons, which are relevant for depicting the game's success. However, the radar charts could benefit from clearer labels for better at-a-glance understanding.

Strategic Layout and Storytelling Score: 8.5/10

The infographic tells a story, beginning with the game's inspiration, followed by its success and critical reception. The layout provides a narrative flow that guides the viewer through the information logically.

Effective Color Schemes Score: 9.0/10

The color scheme is visually striking, using contrast effectively to make the data stand out and maintain the fantasy theme. The use of fiery colors conveys the game's dragon theme and captures attention.

Textual Elements Score: 8.5/10

The textual content is informative and meshes well with the visual elements. However, some of the text, especially in the radar charts, is quite small and may be challenging to read, which could be improved for better accessibility.

Font Readability Score: 8.0/10

While the main text is readable, the font size for the data labels and some descriptions is small, which might pose a readability issue for some viewers.

Accessibility Score: 7.5/10

The overall design is engaging, but accessibility is somewhat hindered by small text sizes and potentially complex visuals like radar charts which are not immediately intuitive to all users.

Final Score: 8.4/10

Visual Viz-ionary | A well-designed infographic that effectively communicates the significance of the game


  • Increase the font size on the radar charts and bar graphs to improve readability.
  • Add clearer labels and legends to the radar charts to help viewers understand the comparison between game features at a glance.
  • Provide alternative text descriptions for all visual elements to enhance accessibility for screen reader users and those with visual impairments.

My thoughts

Looking back in hindsight, some of my text labels were definitely unreadable due to the color contrasts and VizCritique Pro picked that up! But I'm particularly impressed with its ability to pick up the topic's content and context to grade it fairly. 🀯



How many Godzilla Films is too many?

Oh this was a fun piece, not necessary the best data visualization but something thematic I did for the #Dataplusmovies challenge. Let's see what GPT thinks?


πŸ€–VizCritique Pro says πŸ’¬

This infographic takes a creative approach to explore the history of Godzilla films and their success over time.

Audience Adaptation Score: 9.0/10

The infographic is targeted at movie enthusiasts and fans of the Godzilla franchise. It employs a thematic design that would resonate well with this audience.

Message Alignment Score: 8.5/10

The message about Godzilla's film history and its box office performance is clear. The visualization supports the narrative by highlighting key milestones in the franchise's evolution.

Optimal Chart Usage Score: 7.0/10

The bubble chart is a creative choice to show box office data, but it might not be the most effective way to communicate detailed financial information. A traditional bar or line chart could provide clearer insights into the box office trends.

Strategic Layout and Storytelling Score: 8.0/10

The layout progresses from a general introduction to specific information about box office success, creating a narrative about the franchise's commercial performance.

Effective Color Schemes Score: 8.0/10

The color scheme is visually engaging and thematic, with blues representing Godzilla's association with the sea. However, the dark background may reduce the legibility of the text and finer details.

Textual Elements Score: 8.0/10

The titles and annotations are clear and contribute to the narrative. However, the font size for the data sources and some annotations is small, potentially impacting readability.

Font Readability Score: 7.5/10

While the main headings are readable, some of the text within the infographic, such as the annotations on the bubble chart and the data sources, could be difficult to read due to small size and contrast with the background.

Accessibility Score: 7.0/10

The design is visually appealing, but accessibility could be improved. The bubble chart may be difficult to interpret for those with visual impairments or color vision deficiencies.

Final Score: 7.9/10

Visual Viz-ionary | A visually compelling infographic with room for improvement in data presentation


  • Utilize a bar or line chart for box office data to allow for easier comparison and trend analysis.
  • Increase font size and contrast for better readability across all textual elements.
  • Consider adding a legend or scale for the bubble chart to quantify what each bubble size represents in terms of box office revenue.

My thoughts

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would turn out, but it definitely had beef with my labelling (which I was intentionally hiding as a design choice). IΒ do agree the text needs to be a little bigger and I think what happened was (another design choice) I was trying to fit all the text in the little corner so I don't have to stretch the dashboard even longer. It was meant to be a two-pager and not more. But alas, these are the choices you make often as a data visualizer and whether it is the best way... is subjective to your audience' ability to pick that out as well! But definitely food for thought!



Valar Morghulis in the Seven Kingdoms

A visualization I did back in 2021 because I found a really cool map of the Seven Kingdoms, and I wanted to make a viz around it. It turned out pretty alright but my wife think it's too bloody 🀣


πŸ€–VizCritique Pro says πŸ’¬

This infographic details the fatalities in the "Game of Thrones" series, providing a visual representation of the death toll throughout the seasons, including character-specific kills and a geographical breakdown.

Audience Adaptation Score: 9.0/10

This infographic is well-suited for "Game of Thrones" fans interested in the show's portrayal of character mortality and geography. It uses thematic elements that resonate with the audience's familiarity with the series.

Message Alignment Score: 9.0/10

The visualization delivers a clear message about the number of on-screen deaths throughout the series, the geography of these events, and a comparison of the characters' deadliness. The design aligns well with the dark and dramatic themes of "Game of Thrones."

Optimal Chart Usage Score: 7.5/10

The use of iconography to represent deaths is effective and engaging but might not allow for precise quantitative analysis. The maps with bubble sizes provide a good geographical distribution of events but could be enhanced with more specific data points for clarity.

Strategic Layout and Storytelling Score: 8.5/10

The layout tells a story of increasing on-screen deaths over the series, highlighting specific locations and characters, which helps narrate the progression of the series' intensity and character development.

Effective Color Schemes Score: 9.0/10

The color scheme is consistent with the series' visual branding, using a dark background that makes the other colors and white text stand out, suitable for the subject matter.

Textual Elements Score: 8.5/10

The textual content is informative and adds context to the visual data. The headers and descriptions are clear, although the font size for the body text may challenge readability on smaller displays or from a distance.

Font Readability Score: 8.0/10

The fonts are generally readable, with a good hierarchy of information. However, some of the text, especially the source citations and smaller annotations, could benefit from a larger or bolder font.

Accessibility Score: 7.5/10

While the primary visual elements are accessible, the infographic could be improved by adding clearer legends or scales for the maps and ensuring all text is legible across various viewing conditions.

Final Score: 8.4/10

Visual Viz-ionary | An engaging and thematic infographic for "Game of Thrones" fans


  • Introduce scales or legends for the maps to quantify the size of the bubbles corresponding to deaths.
  • Increase the font size of the source citations and smaller annotations for better accessibility.
  • Consider interactive elements that would allow users to explore the data in more detail, such as a clickable map showing specific events or a filterable list of character deaths.

My thoughts

I'm surprised at its ability to pick out the thematic design of using blood to illustrate deaths throughout the seasons. But I agree with the points it raised with the map as it requires too much domain knowledge for anyone who is not a Game of Thrones fan to understand.



My final thoughts

I'll be lying if I said I wasn't relieved that my scores have been relatively good (7.9 to 8.6) and rated as "Visual Viz-ionary". Being a Tableau Public Ambassador, that would have be disastrous for me to be a good example for the community if I scored badly, won't it πŸ˜…

HOWEVER, part of me did want harsher scores from the tool - so I don't grow complacent and stay stagnant in my growth too! But scores aside, the feedback coming back from the GPT is really constructive and also the recommendations and ideas to help you along are just icing on the cake πŸ’–! It's never gonna be as good as getting feedback from people (πŸ€” or maybe it will eventually after learning from more sources) but this is something I plan to add to my toolbox for building any viz. It's just so handy to have a co-pilot (especially when you live in different time zones as your usual feedback cliques) that is always there to keep you straight and not commit data visualization sins 😜

While I didn't want to bore you by showing all the grades of my vizzes on Tableau Public as that would have been a long post (not that this isn't long either)... hopefully with these 6 examples, you are able to see how this tool can be an effective co-pilot for you to test ideas and refine the effectiveness of your visualizations.

Thanks Adam Mico for creating this awesome tool, this is gonna accelerate growth in so many of the #datafam community!

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